• activity pages for Jesus sends out the 12 disciples

    Jesus Sends Out Disciples Activity Pages


    This set of activity pages for the lectionary text Matthew 9:35—10:8 illustrates the story of Jesus sending out the 12 disciples. coloring pages mazes word searches color by number seek and find scripture word art bible verse copywork inductive bible study template The pages can be used for Sunday School, Wednesday night lessons, and for…

  • activity pages for Jesus healing Jairus' daughter and the suffering woman

    Jesus Heals Activity Pages


    This set of activity pages for the lectionary text Matthew 9:9-13, 18-26 illustrates the story of Jesus healing Jarius’ daughter and a suffering woman. coloring pages mazes word searches color by number seek and find scripture word art bible verse copywork inductive bible study template The pages can be used for Sunday School, Wednesday night…

  • activity pages for the story of Jesus sharing The Great Commission

    The Great Commission Activity Pages


    This set of activity pages for the lectionary text Matthew 28:16-20 illustrates the story of Jesus sharing The Great Commission with his disciples. coloring pages mazes word searches color by number seek and find scripture word art bible verse copywork inductive bible study template The pages can be used for Sunday School, Wednesday night lessons,…

  • bible activity pages about the story of pentecost

    Filled with the Holy Spirit Activity Pages


    This set of activity pages for the lectionary text Acts 2:1-21 illustrates the story of the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. coloring pages mazes word searches color by number seek and find scripture word art bible verse copywork inductive bible study template The pages can be used for Sunday School, Wednesday night lessons,…

  • jesus ascends activity pages

    Jesus Ascends Activity Pages


    This set of activity pages for the lectionary text Acts 1:6-14 illustrates Jesus’ ascension to heaven. coloring pages mazes word searches color by number seek and find scripture word art bible verse copywork inductive bible study template The pages can be used for Sunday School, Wednesday night lessons, and for families to use at home. The…

  • the spirit of truth activity pages

    The Spirit of Truth Activity Pages


    This set of activity pages for the lectionary text John 14:15-21 illustrates Jesus’ promise of the Holy Spirit. coloring pages mazes word searches color by number seek and find scripture word art bible verse copywork inductive bible study template The pages can be used for Sunday School, Wednesday night lessons, and for families to use…

  • the way truth and life bible activity pages

    Way Truth and Life Activity Pages


    This set of activity pages for the lectionary text John 14:1-14 illustrates the truth that Jesus is the way truth and life and includes: coloring pages mazes word searches color by number seek and find scripture word art bible verse copywork inductive bible study template The pages can be used for Sunday School, Wednesday night…

  • Psalm 23 bible activity pages - The Lord is My Shepherd

    Psalm 23 Activity Pages


    This set of activity pages for the lectionary text Psalm 23 illustrates this Psalm about The Lord is my Shepherd and includes: coloring pages mazes word searches color by number seek and find scripture word art bible verse copywork inductive bible study template The pages can be used for Sunday School, Wednesday night lessons, and…

  • activity pages for story of road to emmaus

    The Road to Emmaus Activity Pages


    This set of activity pages for the lectionary text Luke 24:13-35 illustrates the encounter between Jesus and the men on the Road to Emmaus and includes: coloring pages mazes word searches color by number seek and find scripture word art bible verse copywork inductive bible study template The pages can be used for Sunday School,…

  • activity pages for Thomas Answers Jesus

    Thomas Answers Jesus Activity Pages


    This set of activity pages for the lectionary text John 20:19-31 illustrates the encounter between Thomas and Jesus and includes: coloring pages mazes word searches color by number seek and find scripture word art bible verse copywork inductive bible study template The pages can be used for Sunday School, Wednesday night lessons, and for families…

  • activity pages for Easter Sunday - Jesus is Risen

    Jesus Is Risen Activity Pages


    This set of activity pages for the lectionary text Matthew 28:1-10 illustrates the Resurrection of Jesus and includes: coloring pages mazes word searches color by number seek and find scripture word art bible verse copywork inductive bible study template The pages can be used for Sunday School, Wednesday night lessons, and for families to use…

  • activity pages for Palm Sunday lesson

    Palm Sunday Activity Pages


    This set of activity pages for the lectionary text Matthew 21:1-11 illustrates the story of Jesus’ Triumphal Entry to Jerusalem and includes: coloring pages mazes word searches color by number seek and find scripture word art bible verse copywork inductive bible study template The pages can be used for Sunday School, Wednesday night lessons, and…