Jesus Heals Blind Bartimaeus Activity Pages
$5.97Worksheets, coloring pages, and Bible verse copywork focused on Mark 10:46-52 when Jesus heals a blind man named Bartimaeus (16 pages).
Bible story lessons and crafts from stories found in the New Testament
Worksheets, coloring pages, and Bible verse copywork focused on Mark 10:46-52 when Jesus heals a blind man named Bartimaeus (16 pages).
Worksheets, coloring pages, and Bible verse copywork focused on Mark 10:35-45 when James and John make a request of Jesus (16 pages).
Worksheets, coloring pages, and Bible verse copywork focused on Mark 10:17-31 when Jesus encounters a rich man seeking the way to the kingdom of God (16 pages).
Worksheets, coloring pages, and Bible verse copywork focused on Hebrews 4:12-16 where Jesus is described as the great high priest (16 pages).
Worksheets, coloring pages, and Bible verse copywork focused on Mark 10:13-16 about Jesus welcoming the little children (16 pages).
Worksheets, coloring pages, and Bible verse copywork focused on Mark 9:30-37 when Jesus teaches, “Anyone who wants to be first must be the very last, and the servant of all.” (16 pages).
Worksheets, coloring pages, and Bible verse copywork focused on the lectionary text Mark 7:31-37 when Jesus heals a deaf and mute man (16 pages).
Worksheets, coloring pages, and Bible verse copywork focused on Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23 from Jesus teaching about what defiles a person comes from within (16 pages).
Worksheets, coloring pages, and Bible verse copywork focused on John 6:24-35 when Jesus calls himself the bread of life (16 pages).
Worksheets, coloring pages, and Bible verse copywork focused on John 6:16-21 telling the story of Jesus walking on the water (16 pages).
Worksheets, coloring pages, and Bible verse copywork focused on John 6:1-15 telling the story of Jesus feeding the 5000 (16 pages).
Worksheets, coloring pages, and Bible verse copywork focused on Mark 6:30-34, 53-56 telling the story of the healings at Gennesaret (16 pages).