
This set of activity pages for the lectionary text Matthew 22:15-22 illustrates the story of Jesus addressing A Question About Taxes coloring pages mazes word searches color by number seek and find scripture word art bible verse copywork inductive bible study template Featured Verse: Then he said to them, “Give therefore to Caesar the things…

This set of activity pages for the lectionary text Philippians 4:1-9 illustrates the story of Paul writing to the Philippians. coloring pages mazes word searches color by number seek and find scripture word art bible verse copywork inductive bible study template Featured Verse: Rejoice[in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. Philippians 4:4 NRSV…

3D Printable Craft available in both Color and B/W

3D Printable Craft available in both Color and B/W

3D Printable Craft available in both Color and B/W

3D Printable Craft available in both Color and B/W

Worksheets, coloring pages, and Bible verse copywork focused on Matthew 16:13-20 and Mark 8:27-30 when Peter declares that Jesus is the Messiah (16 pages).

Worksheets, coloring pages, and Bible verse copywork focused on Matthew 15:21-28 and Mark 7:24-37 illustrates the story of Jesus being amazed by the faith of the Canaanite woman (16 pages).

This set of activity pages for the lectionary text Matthew 14:22-33 illustrates the story of Jesus Walks on Water. coloring pages mazes word searches color by number seek and find scripture word art bible verse copywork inductive bible study template Featured Verse: And early in the morning he came walking toward them on the sea….

This set of activity pages for the lectionary text Matthew 14:13-21 illustrates the story of Feeding the Five Thousand. coloring pages mazes word searches color by number seek and find scripture word art bible verse copywork inductive bible study template Featured Verse: Taking the five loaves and the two fish, he looked up to heaven…

3D Printable Craft available in both Color and B/W

3D Printable Craft available in both Color and B/W